Simply Katie Slaughter

A safe place to find inspiration and realistic ideas for busy parents. Struggle with ADHD? me too! I have some thoughts and ideas to help you manage your day-to-day life. – Please reach out! I love people

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This is something new for me, but I am not a novice at writing. Having written for other blogs, primarily my alma mater, I have found a love for writing and have decided to prove my junior-year English teacher wrong! I was officially diagnosed with ADHD in college, but my mom knew when I was younger and refused to medicate me and taught me strategies to cope (THANKS MOM!)

So I am not perfect, actually far from it and I am okay with that, but I do think I have something interesting to share. I am a millennial mom, a full-time employee, active, and more. How do I balance it all? Well, honestly, I don’t, but I am adapting and working on it. While I’m working on it myself, I can share some of the things I have learned. So this is a lifestyle blog for someone like me. I am not a minimalist, even though I would love to be. The organization is a weakness, but something I am working on. My kids think I am a damn good mom so there is that. I cannot wait to share my way of life and hopefully help people along the way!